+90 850 433 6392

Time to get efficient NOC workflows!

Includes 24/7 infrastructure monitoring, incident prevention and quick resolution. The automated NOC process enables you to efficiently address your IT infrastructure issues with L0, L1, L2, L3 technical support.

24/7 İnfrastructure Monitoring Supported by Automation

Automated NOC

Intelligent Alarm Management

Automated NOC

Incident Resolution Powered by Automation

Automated NOC

Establishment of the Central Information Resource

Advanced Root Cause Analysis

Meet ODI, and let your mind be at ease!

24/7 End-to-End Monitoring

Smart Alarm Notification

Smooth Business Continuity

AI-Powered Incident Solution

Service Support Levels


It is the technology that first meets the accidents and support calls from the monitoring systems and transfers them to the relevant teams for a solution. The call is received, recorded, forwarded and its status is followed.


Accidents from monitoring systems and customer support calls; It is a technology that provides a basic solution within the framework of “known problem – known solution” (Known Error – Known Solution). Unresolved problems are assigned to L2.


It is the person or technology to which complex accidents that cannot be resolved in L1 are addressed and resolved for the first time. The solution created is placed in the “known problem – known solution” matrix. Unresolved problems are assigned to L3.


The level of support provided by the manufacturer/developer.

Network Operations Center


It is the technology that first meets the accidents and support calls from the monitoring systems and transfers them to the relevant teams for a solution. The call is received, recorded, forwarded and its status is followed.

Accidents from monitoring systems and customer support calls; It is a technology that provides a basic solution within the framework of “known problem – known solution” (Known Error – Known Solution). Unresolved problems are assigned to L2.


Network Operations Center
Network Operations Center


It is the person or technology to which complex accidents that cannot be resolved in L1 are addressed and resolved for the first time. The solution created is placed in the “known problem – known solution” matrix. Unresolved problems are assigned to L3.

The level of support provided by the manufacturer/developer.


Network Operations Center

Why ODYA Automated NOC ?

Automated NOC

Reduces human resources costs

Thanks to the monthly rental option, allows you to get rid of the cost of owning a license

Instead of CAPEX budgeting, it is reflected in the IT budget as OPEX, providing tax advantages

Thanks to the automatic system, reduces the risk of human error

Provides proactive monitoring, management and rapid deployment

Saves the maintenance, support and hardware costs of the software used

Increases productivity in ongoing work with the automation of simple processes

Provides reduced downtime with service from top level experts

It allows you to predict your costs thanks to planned budgets

% 0

Reduced service interruption

x 2

Faster root cause analysis

% 0

Increased user satisfaction

ODYA Automated NOC
ODYA Automated NOC
Neden ODYA Automated NOC?

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Network Components We Cover

ODYA Technology NOC operations teams expertly manage all infrastructure components

Network Interface Card







Access Point


Network Interface Card

Automated NOC


Automated NOC



Automated NOC


Automated NOC

Access Point

Automated NOC


Automated NOC


Automated NOC


ODYA Automated NOC Plans and Pricing

Carefully curated capabilities for your IT environment





Contact us for detailed information about ODYA Automated NOC!

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